Wednesday 19 December 2012

About Whim of Wine

Hi everyone,

this is a very casual wine drinking blog because I am neither a professional nor have I taken any sort of courses. I only have a friend who's into wine, and then I learn a bit here and there from online searches. The rest are my layman opinion, so there will hardly be professional terms used like oak, plummy, etc, because I have no idea what those mean. Very simply, if I find it easy to swallow, it's good wine. If I can't take it, and feel like throwing away the bottle, it is bad wine.

I will, however, stick to the standard method of rating, with 80/100 the benchmark to whether I think the wine can be swallowed or not, and something like 79/100 being not worth it, but I can still force myself to finish the bottle. 90/100 and more will mean I really enjoy it and wish to repurchase.

Another feature of this blog is that the wines here will all be easily available in Singapore, because as of current, I do not discriminate the places that sell wine. I do not only go to wine boutiques such as Crystal, but I do drink very normal wine that are sold in supermarkets for the layman.

I am not sure how many people will eventually read this blog, but I am blogging to remember my journey of learning about wine. This blog is a process, not a place to dish out professional advice/reviews.

Since I am blogging as a layman, I hope anyone reading the blog can do so with the intention of teaching me and sharing with me what you know, if you will. =) Thank you so much in advance for sharing this journey with me.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Wine Red

Disclaimer: Please don't take it too hard if I trash a wine you love, because no one taste bud is the same. Just a casual layman here. Also, I bought/buy all the wines/machines/glasses on my own. Nothing is sponsored or compensated.

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